Does a Ketogenic Diet Improve Metabolic Syndrome? Find Out

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms of poor health that is linked with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The symptoms include a large waist size, high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, low HDL levels, and elevated blood sugar levels. 

The ketogenic diet is considered as the most effective treatment for metabolic syndrome. It lowers insulin levels and prompts the body to break down body fat into ketones. 

Carbohydrate restriction in the ketogenic diet enhances fat oxidation and is highly effective in reversing metabolic syndrome. It also improves abnormal fatty acid composition. The diet helps decrease total saturated fat and increase arachidonate.

When compared with high-carbohydrate intake, a ketogenic diet benefits metabolic syndrome independent of whole-body or fat mass. Overall, the ketogenic diet is significantly more effective across a range of health factors.

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